Kinect Mesher

Hey fellow friends,

After a lot of hard work, the Marching Cubes Meshing Algorithm with OpenMP parallelization is done. The video show the point cloud recording of a Kinect stream. After pressing a specific key, the whole pointcloud is meshed via Marching Cubes. This can be seen in the white console of Eclipse Helios on the right screen, bottom window.

After meshing, the model is saved to a ply file and Eclipse ends. Therefore, the model is successfully extracted. To prove that this mesh is ready for further processing afterwards, it’s loaded into the OpenSource Software „MeshLab“, available on all platforms.

This is the first step to the full-scale, 6-degree-of-freedom environment scanner.

Kinect Mesher Linux

Have a nice day,


Veröffentlicht unter English, Programming, Work | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

Bad day …

This was a damn start into the day. I took a bit longer for preparations (shaving, shower, etc.) and then wanted to drive to the university by bike. I repaired it yesterday: put away the rust of the wheels, oiling the chain, fixing the brakes. And then, after 10 minutes of driving, my chain apparently broke down into pieces. I had to walk back the whole way – fortunatly, the bike dealer was on the way, so I also gave the bike there for repair. Then, walked back to the apartement to take the car … Hopefully the day gets better. Such bad luck would be devastating in the presentation later …

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Heute mal auf Deutsch eine Zwischeninformation und ein Ergebnis meiner Videoverarbeitungs-Studien. Ich habe am Anfang einiges zu Rohdatenformaten und MPEG-2 erarbeitet. Da gibt es normalerweise wenig einzustellen, deshalb ist das nicht weiter aufregend.


Veröffentlicht unter German, Work | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

Typical Winter-Spring change

Hej to all,

This week, I had the typical problem as every year around that time: cold and throat illness. Starting at monday, I haven’t been able to work as hard and good as I used to. On tuesday I had to get new medicine – same price as in Germany, thankfully. Wednesday, I was out in the eve with a german woman (finally speaking german once again after 4 weeks). We were watching Champions League in the Pitsop Bar, was quite nice.


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Going winter – coming every-year spring cold


I’m now here in Aalborg since some weeks. I had good days (with group mates and danish drinking eve’s) as well as bad days (over-expensive life, unsure future, taxes, police …). At least I also mentally arrived here and found first buddies and friends. These are, in majority, in my courses here and friends of them from other Computer Science disciplines. I don’t have lot’s of contact to the other international students. Partly because I get shy in a room with more then 30 unknown people, partly because they simply have more time during the week for parties and social eve’s. I come late from university (ok, not so late as in Wismar – it is even the same day I went to there :D) and therefore miss time to go to international cooking eve’s and so on ..


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First week in Denmark

So, first week here is over and lot’s of things happened.


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Nur noch 1 Tag bis es losgeht…

Also, nur noch 1 Tag bis es los geht und mein erster Post hier.

Heute war ein  TEURER Tag ! Am morgen bin ich zur FORD-Werkstatt (Fetchenheuer SN) gefahren um meinen Wagen vor der langen Abstinenz nochmal durchchecken zu lassen und die vorgeschlagene TÜV-Reparatur machen zu lassen. Weiterlesen

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1 day before Denmark

So, 1 day to go and first post here.

Today was EXPENSIVE ! In the morning, I was driving to FORD, checking my car after a german TÜV-report.


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