Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein
Creating a bibliography template in Word – example of the „Photogrammetric Records“
Despite the never-ending and dedicated efforts to convert the local geoscientific community to publish using LaTeX, thereare still a large sum of journals only accepting Microsoft Word-written papers. Though that may not be the most clever way of doing it, I … Weiterlesen
3D NordOst 2015 – a researcher’s wrap-up
As in every discipline, the end of the year means also a time for research community gatherings, workshops and forth-so. For my part, this means to traditionally attend the 3D NordOst workshop on applied graphics, visualisation, processing and interaction of … Weiterlesen
International Supercomputing Conference 2015 – a researcher’s wrap-up
ISC 2015 (Franfurt a.M. / Germany) celebrated an anniversary to the conference. Although some standard contributors were absent this year due to political reasons, American and German attendance still peaked.
Bad day …
This was a damn start into the day. I took a bit longer for preparations (shaving, shower, etc.) and then wanted to drive to the university by bike. I repaired it yesterday: put away the rust of the wheels, oiling … Weiterlesen