1 day before Denmark

So, 1 day to go and first post here.

Today was EXPENSIVE ! In the morning, I was driving to FORD, checking my car after a german TÜV-report.

It said I had „minor problems wit the brakes“. So, the technician was simply checking around. But then, I got a surprise: my brakes were so damaged that I was only able to drive 500km until it will have been broken away. So, I had to wait the whole day for the repair. In the meanwhile, I had to buy a new laptop internal harddrive so I can work effective in Aalborg with my group. 640GB 16MB Cache 7200 1/min – cost: 89,99€.

In the evening, I got my car back (satisfactory before tomorrow). Whole back brakes had to be changed. Expense: 320€.

So, a total of around 400€ (3000 DKK) for one day – so, seems that the february I need to hunger in Aalborg. At least I get safely there.

Now, I am ready to go. Tomorrow, It’ll take the whole day to get there. My father accompany me, so I will scout the city with him in the evening. I will go to university on wednesday afternoon (missing graph theory again – damn). I’ll take my lab with me to the group room, inclusively the all the books and conference papers.

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