Going winter – coming every-year spring cold


I’m now here in Aalborg since some weeks. I had good days (with group mates and danish drinking eve’s) as well as bad days (over-expensive life, unsure future, taxes, police …). At least I also mentally arrived here and found first buddies and friends. These are, in majority, in my courses here and friends of them from other Computer Science disciplines. I don’t have lot’s of contact to the other international students. Partly because I get shy in a room with more then 30 unknown people, partly because they simply have more time during the week for parties and social eve’s. I come late from university (ok, not so late as in Wismar – it is even the same day I went to there :D) and therefore miss time to go to international cooking eve’s and so on ..

But, apart from the complicated social and monetary part, I like Aalborg because of the University. This is the best education style, manner and system I have seen until now. Very open, very supportive for the individual, a lot of small but distinct studies – from the professional’s point of view (which is, besides the monetary one, 50% of what matters) I’d like to stay here for Master Thesis and PhD. Next weeks will show if this is achievable.


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